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Tony : 28.05.2016 10:23
My Kantronics KPC3+ finally died. I sent it to Kantronics and they sent it back. Still not working. So I have decided to give your software TNC a try. I will be using it with my SignaLink USB sound card modem. Hope it works out OK for me. Thanks for the hard work and for giving us this amazing piece of Packet Radio Software. Sincerely, Tony KJ6YFY
wolfgang : 22.05.2016 15:30
hallo danke für qso cb7wo grüße aus sachsen waldheim mfg wolfgang
Kyohei Isami : 28.03.2016 05:03
Hello! How are you? I7m usin g your modem for HF APRS. It is in good condition. 73
MItch AB4MW : 6.03.2016 17:01
Greetings from VA, USA! Enjoying your modem and terminal on Linux via Wine. Started right up and working terrific on 20m HF packet right now. Getting ready to do some testing with VE1JOT with different CODECS which should be fun. I was pleased that I could plug my UIChat right into the KISS port 8100 and it works just fine. http://uichat.sf.net
Michel / F1ETU : 27.02.2016 11:32
Hi Andrei ! I am testing your soundmodem software. All is OK except the port LPT1, the program said "cannot open port LPT1" This port is OK with my PIC programmer and an home made software in C to transfert datas (DATV datas). I use a DELL computer with XP Pro. Thank's for your help, any idea ?
Alan : 22.02.2016 14:10
Hello my name is Alan, would you Can you change your app. that have can change the color of Background and the text color. 73 Qro thank you
Sven Grahn : 8.02.2016 22:18
Dear Andrei, I have recently seen your High Speed Modem nicely demodulating the GMSK 19200 baud signals from XW-2B. I am the project manager of a student satellite project (at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden) in which we plan to use a RC-BPSK transmitter at 19200 bps. Do you know any software that can demodulated that signal? You can check out our project here: https://mistsatellite.wordpress.com/ Best regards, Sven
Brian : 15.01.2016 21:56
Hi Andrei, I am testing Easyterm .37b to work as a BBS/Mailbox for a small radio club and I test it against UISS BBS. (I can't use UISS/BB because it requires keyboard acceptance of incoming). I get 50% fail to disconnect when requesting file list (L) & file read (R), whereas UISS provided 100% success under identical lab type conditions. Have you any ideas? Otherwise 0.37b is brilliant and just what I need, thank you - Brian ZS5SB
Juha OH7HJ : 20.12.2015 11:24
Downloaded you Soundmodem and Easyterm a while ago, to try them.
FRNOD : 25.10.2015 13:30
73s de FRNOD VIA FRA485
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