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Steve - KB6HOH : 23.04.2012 07:08
Hi Andrei! I just installed the Sound Card Modem program. Looks great. I like the ability to Monitor Packet Status as well as monitoring the Freq activity. Do have a problem using it with Outpost. After 1 or 2 sessions the Send/Receive function stops working. I have to restart Outpost and then it will start working. Outpost and AGWPE has no problem with it. In a Emcomm situation this will not work! I do like the program except for this Bug. Hope their is a fix for it. 73 de Steve KB6HOH kb6hoh@comcast.net
Doug VE7EPT : 23.04.2012 00:52
I have installed soundmodem for use with a Signalink USB and UIView on both vhf and HF. Works perfectly! Thank you for your efforts.
G3NDO Pesi : 18.04.2012 19:49
Hello Andrei, I got the information about you and your software from Sergej UT1HZM. After all these I worked a human and not a BBS Hi. I chated with on the keys. I am now going to download your soft TNC and see if I can get going ok here and will use it to hunt for more human packeteers ! Thank you & 73 Pesi Sorab G3NDO
Jaime - KP4JEV : 14.04.2012 20:17
I have been hearing great reviews of your program ( UZ7HO) ) from all over the world. I did not want to pass the oppurtunity to find out for myself how good this program is. I recently downloaded the program and I am ready to intall it now . Thanx in advance . Sincerely submitted, 73
Leigh M5GWH : 13.04.2012 19:21
Thank you for a superb piece of soundcard modem software - works perfectly. 73 Leigh M5GWH - MB7UVT APRS Digipeater
Mike, VE3KOY : 6.04.2012 01:45
Hi: Just downloaded your program. Will reply later. Thanks! Mike.
Damir : 6.04.2012 01:28
Hi Andrej.Tnx for excelent perfomance of yours SC modem.I have tested the most on HF,40/20m,greatresults.Next week going again to /MM on the line Fare East-Japan.73
jim maloney : 28.02.2012 18:42
hi andy after trying your soundmodem works right out of the box craping agw its running great on vhf thousand times better than the orther congrats on your work with this program very very pleased de m3ahq uk
Thierry F-14314 : 6.01.2012 19:06
Hi Andrei, thanks to Ralph NM5RM, I know use Soundmodem instead of AGWPE and my problem about the fact I was oblige to select the second soudncar in Windows audio device manager when I wanted to receive APRS is gone ! Now I can use a lot of different decoding software (mmsstv, multipsk, wxtoimg and ui-view) without changing anything when I switch from one of them to another. I'm using Windows 7 Pro x86 and I will enjoy to try new version to improve your already excelent software. Please don't hesitate to send me an email if you want. 73 de Thierry, a french SWL
ozkan..ta7i : 29.12.2011 13:39
my use the sound modem with the fbb good pretty tough performance no problems 73.. tnx
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