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basd : 26.10.2021 18:04
Hi, Thanks to the great software you provide. I have a question, maybe someone had similar problems. I can work easily with soundmodem, but hs_soundmodem only works (connection establish) with manchester 1200. I think it might be an bandwidth issue, the sample rate is 48 kHz but it seems to me like there is a limitation of approx 4-5 kHz I observed on two PCs. I tried to change the filter settings but without luck. I also tried the on baord sound and a USB soundcard but also did not work for some reasons. Anyone solved that or has a Packet 4800 running ?
Beppe i3lpo : 16.10.2021 18:44
Dear Andrei, I am using your HS_saundmodem prg at 2400 Bd manchester with pleasure and satisfaction. Really beautiful. I would be interested in using it on Raspberry, do you think it is possible? Thanks again!!! Beppe I3LPO
Kenny Murray : 13.10.2021 19:23
best wishes Andrei, you have the best program since they first built the PMP many years ago. thankyou and 73 de vo1kjm/ve9
Gokhan : 21.09.2021 02:35
Hi, I am SOTA activator and would like to be able to use my cell phone to use APRS over HF. Are you able to convert this software to Android and/or iOS for use? Thanks, 73 VA6GOK
rvineCAGuy KN6BMO : 19.09.2021 01:16
I configured SoundModem 113 and set Hide Window on Startup. Works. But now I want to see (and change) the settings. How can I launch soundmodem.exe and NOT HIDE?? PS each time I start it creates a new instance. It does not close on exit. Using WinLink to auto-start soundmodem which then creates many copies, and of course an error that KISS port is busy
Stephen Farlow : 17.09.2021 03:26
Running soundmodem with a Rigblaster Advantage. Tried connecting to a station with Easyterm but the radioport window shows no radio ports. Soundmodem works fine with Winlink Express and RMS Packet. Can't figure out where a radio port is defined. HELP!!
Avi : 15.07.2021 12:56
Hello Andrei, We are currently working on a GRC transmitter for TAUSAT-1, and would like to get information regarding the different DSP components of the transmitter, as well as their specific parameters (eg. RRC roll off factor, etc...). Thanks in advance, Avi
David McCurley : 24.06.2021 18:07
Hello from Georgia USA, Nice page. The software works great, thanks for the download. 73's de K4XRT
Bill Rose : 12.06.2021 08:14
Hi Andrei - Just Discovered that you need to incorporate somewhere in an appendix in your Quick Set-up Guide so others like myself with a Yaesu FT-8900 know that there are some additional settings needed for setting up the Soundmodem Pgm for the 8900 that aren't given in the Guide. These should be added to the Modem setting: The change in the setting below fixed my problem! TX Delay = 250 TX Tail = 50 I thought this was needed so others won't run into this timing problem. 73, Bill, K6HMS - Huntington Beach, CA
BILL ROSE : 20.05.2021 07:20
Hi Andrei - I have the same problem as Jean Claude as noted in his messsge to you: " I have the same problem than Phil Bautista : error opening wave input device (unspecified error) after an update of Windows 10. Have you an idea." Best 73s
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