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Jeff : 15.05.2020 17:10
I have been working with your SoundModem program, version 1.05, for a few days. I use it in conjunction with your EasyTerm program to get into packet radio. I run it on a Windows 10 computer with the latest updates. I have discovered a consistent and recreatable issue involving the ability of SoundModem to operate after the computer comes out of lock mode. For a couple days, I would leave SoundModem and EasyTerm running so I can monitor local packet traffic. My computer goes into scheduled lock mode after 15 minutes or so, that is if I don't immediately lock it when I leave the keyboard. My computer runs 24/7 and does not go into sleep mode or anything. However, after I log back in from the lock screen and then try to transmit from EasyTerm with the still running SoundModem, my radio doesn't key up at all. I use a Signalink as my sound card interface. I tried only restarting EasyTerm when the issue first came up, thinking that was the problem, but it would still fail. I discovered that its only when I close and reload SoundModem that it allows me to transmit again. I even tried sending packet information when it is working, then lock the computer, immediately get back out of lock mode, then try transmitting packet right away and it would fail. Restarting SoundModem fixes it again. That's why I believe it's an issue with SoundModem being able to recover fully from lock mode. I don't know if anyone else reported similar findings, but I wanted to let you know since I can't find any details about a similar issue on your web page.
Mike : 13.05.2020 04:24
Trying to get Pat Winlink working with Raspberry Pi 4 (Buster 10) controlling a IC-9700. TNC / sound modem seems to be the problem.
dl3zid : 2.05.2020 12:22
Hi SP9MLI I see your network every day an i have some Ideas too,, pleas contact me 73 de dl3zid@darc.de
SP9MLI : 30.04.2020 13:04
Hello dear Andrei, thans for develope easy term and sound modem, we are using PR every day :) We are working on 3.594 USB I have some idea, can I translate ENG interfaces to polich language ?
John Moore W4JHM : 27.04.2020 18:32
Hi Andrei, I'm using HS Soundmodem for 9600 bps satellite contacts. It is working very well, but setting the correct amount of TX deviation is difficult. Is there a way to get the "calibration" tool in HS Soundmodem like there is in Soundmodem? Thank you, John
ORLANDO PU7ORD : 23.04.2020 04:18
Very good! Tnahk you!
Maximiliano Ozono : 23.04.2020 03:19
Hi, first of all thanks for your work. I'm trying to use your soundmodem with the decoder for 1KUNS-PF developed by DK3WN, however I can't see how to use the data demodulated by your program, since other programs requiere it in a CSV/KISS or even plaintext with an specific format. Is there an easy way to decode the data and generate the input files that these programs need? Im not a HAM operator, just a researcher. THank you.
Rich Smith : 19.04.2020 01:02
Will this software ever be able to transmit? It looks like it is the works. I would have to guess this is s future feature? Any idea when that might be implemented?
Bruce R Finley : 18.04.2020 05:00
Hello all i am having problems with low receive level .. with my FT 991A winmor im using .. on the tnc picture where water fall scrolling at top low audio not in green how can i fix this .. please help thank you
Bruce R Finley : 16.04.2020 05:21
Hi Andy this is Bruce N2TFX , i got winlink set up .. just cant find a station to connect to.. was wondering i have a PKC3 Tnc , thinking about connecting that up.. can you lead me in the right directions to get that running .software ect .. im going to use a yaeau Ft2980 or a 2400 for vhf thanks again. cant get any help local 73 Bruce
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