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sv3ora : 14.06.2017 00:59
Hi Andrei, I have used your excellent packet software in a different way. I was looking a fast transfer program to transfer data from a PC to another using just an audio cable and no other hardware. It works! The software modem is something I was looking for a long time as the cost of TNCs was prohibiting. Real packet radio in an easy and straight forward way and at no cost! Many congratulations. Please check an innovative software I have developed at my website http://qrp.gr/schematix/index.htm you will like it. 73 sv3ora
Peter GW4OZU : 21.05.2017 11:16
Hi Andrei, thanks for this software as my last remaining windows xp pc's are failing. I have been using a KP3C Tnc. This is the perfect solution that will allow me to carry on using Packet. It's such a great mode. I'm now using my Signalink usb interface to switch my radio. I wonder if there is a way of using the software with the KPC3 with a serial to usb adapter. Something to be investigated. Many thanks, Peter GW4OZU
Jerry : 16.05.2017
Hi Andrei! Thank-you again for all your help on the packet setup. I wanted to stop by and sign your guest book. I am on PSK31 once in awhile. Maybe we can connect there some day. Jerry
Eduardo LU9DCE : 8.05.2017 00:13
Thank you for your great work
Andy UZ7HO : 25.04.2017 18:21
Johan, I sent you an e-mail
Johan (PD1WGL) : 25.04.2017 17:42
Hi Andy, ok what else can go wrong? I followed http://n4ser.org/2016/soundcard-winlink-2-uz7ho-replaces-agwpe/ When I reconnect my TNC-X I can connect to the RMS gateway, so that is working. De communication just sounds strange on the other radio using one of my soundmodems. I'm trying to get this working for ARES coomunications, not everyone owns a TNC-X
Andy UZ7HO : 25.04.2017 17:22
Since the "Calibration tool" always use a soundcard in stereo mode and you can hear only "channel B" I assume that the sound interface use another (swapped) channel for output. You are right that the RMS-Express use a first port (AKA "channel A") for operations, but "Single Channel Output" option emulates "pseudo-mono" mode, so it does not matter which port in use since the data will be transmitted to both channels simultaneously.
Johan (PD1WGL) : 25.04.2017 16:47
Looks like single usse channel A and should (in my case) use channel B....
Johan (PD1WGL) : 25.04.2017 16:45
Hi Andy, tried that (a couple of times) when I tru the calibrate tool and monitor on an other radio I hear nice tones on channel B and not on channel A. When I let Winlink Express use the soundcard via TCP I hear the same as on channel A. It happens on the Yaesu SCU-17 and on my SB-2000 soundcard interface. enabling "Single Channel Output" does not change that.
Andy UZ7HO : 25.04.2017 16:35
Hi Johan! Some sound interfaces use a different channel for sound output. Try to enable a "Single Channel Output" function in "Devices" settings.
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