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Gavin : 29.06.2023 07:10
I managed to get an old XP machine running with TCP/IP driver from MixW, however I wasn't able to get it to work with SoundModem. It appears their AX25INet app requires a KISS serial connection to the sound card. I was able to get it to work with Direwolf using virtual com ports. Does SoundModem allow a KISS Serial Port to it or just TCP connections?
Gavin : 21.06.2023 04:49
Just getting in to sound card modems and experimenting with different transmission mediums, FM sound broadcast (licensed), 2.4GHz video senders with analogue audio channels etc... I was wondering if there exists a way to send TCP/IP over a software sound modem, if anyone has ever done that yet?
Stephen : 15.05.2023 17:40
Hi Andrei, I have just started to use Easyterm with QTsoundmodem and wondered if the MBX cna auto forward mail? and what are the purpose of the Bulletin and Traffic mail groups within the MBX? Great Software!! 73
G1WXC : 12.05.2023 00:29
Will down load it I’ve a signalink and a FT817ND
VO1KJM Kenny Murray : 11.04.2023 07:49
Hello Best wishes and 73, i am using your software PE that is built into ON6MU software. it seems to be a win win situation (-: tested it with aprs packets from my local digi and ft5dr ht and works we.. functions great as an area monitor with various sdr programs sdruno ect rsp1a.. when work is shared many good things happen. best wishes!!
Paul Drury G6UST : 22.03.2023 12:30
Hi Andrei,have managed to get Greencube working with your great Soundmodem and Terminal Program and PstRotator and my Icom 7100 in Split. One Small problem i am having is when i hit Send on Terminal Program it stays in TX on 7100 sending again eventually dekeys Tx. Have put your Cat.dll and Ptt.dll in SSB V7folder can you please advise on a solution/Workaround. Thx Paul
Matt KD0PYK : 18.03.2023 21:29
Using the latest soundmodem on windows 10 pc to IC-7100. When running Calibration, I never hear a tone being transmitted when the 7100 is transmitting (using a ht at the same frequency to listen on 145.050). Running winlink, I never get a connect. Please advise.
Tom N5ATR : 2.03.2023 08:04
Hello. For some reason, EasyTerm is not working. I checked all the settings...It will not BEACON. UZ7HO modem is working fine...I've been on Winlink many times today...any help would be appreciated...
Christer SM0DXT/SM5DXT : 16.02.2023 17:07
Tnx Andrey for ufb software. Will use in my schack for different projects. How to donate!? Stay safe and strong! 73s/Christer
Edwin Lee Schaff : 29.01.2023 04:39
Using soundmodem 114 with UISS and an ICOM 9700. Had running last night briefly. Transmissions on soundmodem screen AND UISS screen. When enter calibrate the A modem will key my rig, not B side. Tried to restart today and will not start-up again. COM4 19200 8,0,none Im assuming the COM3 port from ic9700 is for AUDIO information. Codex (Mic/Spkr) selected in devices. PTT.dll and CAT.dll are in UISS file. The Advanced PTT button is not avaiable (subdued). Any assist why program will not run and display packets GREATLEY appreciated. Thanks Ed W6AOA Pensacola, FL easydogctrc@gmail.com
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