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Jeffrey Lewis : 24.01.2023 13:24
Hello Andrey, I am using your software with my DigiRig into my Ft-875D. It is a great program and really like the way things work. I am having a problem that I hope is an easy fix..... After some time the soundmodem softwar will go to sleep it seems, in that it stops responding to the BPQ software and no longer transmits the radio. All I have to do in this situation is restart the soundmodem software and then bring it and BPQ back up and I am good for maybe another 12 hrs before it goes back to sleep. 73 WW4BSA Jeff
Taka JK2XXK : 15.01.2023 01:41
Hello Andrey, I enjoy using your software on a daily basis to operate on IO-117. However, We are troubled by packets from stations using the Store&Forward function. As QSOs using this feature are invalid for DXCC and other awards, could you please add a setting to the Item Color Setup so that packets with RX values above a certain one change background color? For reference, the current IO-117 returns ACK when a packet with a ReTXDelay of 15 or more is received. Thank you.
Bob Spears AA4RL : 2.01.2023 03:48
Stay strong. Majority of the world is with Ukraine with its fight with the invasion of your country. I would like to make a donation but I do not use PAY PAL. Any other way? 73 de Bob, AA4RL P.S. I have used your program for many years and I want to donate to you and your family in the rough and tough times you are going through.
WA2NDV : 15.12.2022 00:49
Thanks for great software to work GreenCube. I completed my WAS with Hawaii from the East Coast USA and many new DXCC entities thanks to you. Please advise on how to donate. 73 and stay strong. Frank
Jean Marc : 14.12.2022 17:44
Hi Andrei, After encouraging others to donate some $ to you on twitter to show our appreciation of your great work I tried to do so myself but could not find the link to do so on your site. Let me know how I can do so. Bon courage in this difficult times for you. 73 Jean Marc
EA3B Xavier : 13.12.2022 19:18
Thank you very much for the new update on sound modem to work greenube. It works better with low signals. Make we do a donation?
David K7DMJ : 12.12.2022 00:16
I got Soundmodem running nicely with my FX-4C transceiver. Now I'm trying to use it with a (tr)uSDX. I cannot get it to key PTT. I tried selecting the COM port that corresponds to the USB device. That didn't work. I tried using the PTT.dll and selecting EXT. That didn't work. Am I stuck with using this radio in VOX mode?
GIANLUCA IK6GZM : 9.12.2022 11:27
Thanks Andrej for the good work you are doing for GREENCUBE SAT!As you can, please let me know how we can do a donation to thank you for your work! Best regards from Gianluca IK6GZM!
anatoly : 6.12.2022 21:16
Привет Андрей еще один адрес по которому можно переписаться почему молчишь есть вопрос к тебе спасибо
anatoly : 6.12.2022 21:09
привет Энди я тебе письмишко короткое писал думал ты ответишь есть вопрос к тебе спасибо
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