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Tim AA4SS : 6.12.2022 14:32
How do you get soundmodem to work your PTT ? When doing FT4 with WSJT-X my PTT is COM4 , but I can not get it to work with soundmodem. Does this have something to do with the PTT_DLL.zip file ?
Antonio Navarro GimenezNavarro : 25.11.2022 19:57
I want to make a financial donation through PayPal, where can I do it?
Antonio Navarro GimenezNavarro : 25.11.2022 19:57
I want to make a financial donation through PayPal, where can I do it?
Steven Panattoni : 18.11.2022 21:06
I can't get my IC-7300 to transmit Packet in LSB. I will key the radio but no packet. When I switch the radio to LSB-D(ata) it transmits Packet but will not decode it. Soundmodem only decodes Packet in LSB. The porgram seems to be working fine otherwise. Thank You and 73, Steve
Alper TA2SUA : 2.11.2022 21:30
thanks for your great tool. It is like a swiss army knife for packet radio with ease of use.. 73
Jeff KO4NCC : 22.10.2022 15:59
Thank you for your hard work and dedication. Could you point me to a document I can use to understand the text I see in the SoundModem window. 73 KO4NCC
AB0TO : 11.10.2022 00:00
Thank you for the SFI charts. I hope you are safe and will return.
Darko : 9.10.2022 21:29
All versions of SoundModem is fantastic tool for monitoring amateur satellites and packet radio network on vhf/uhf but what we can find for HF (3-30Mhz) ? 300bps/ax25 works just fine on HF (mainly aprs) and that is all. Pity that Andrei isnt get permission from SCS to add theirs "RobustPacket" modem to add it in his "soundmodem" or some other "mode" suitable for HF work. Best regards Andrei, be safe and take care ! 73 ! Darko
DB6SH : 5.10.2022 21:34
Hi, thanks nice software. On Windows 10 working perfect. But now updated to Windows11 and get Error open wave input device. Any idea ? Thanks
Michael DB1MIC494 : 26.09.2022 16:37
Really nice piece of software and great work. Unfortunately the PTT with CM108 does not work. In the PTT window the soundcard did not appear. Different Soundcards different OSes ( Win 7 and 10) so no PTT can be selected. With a Microham USB III and PTT over COM everything is working fine. What could it be?
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